
The /wallet command allows users to withdraw tokens or SOL from their wallet using the bot. Here's how to use it:


  1. Initiate the Command: Start the process by entering /wallet in the chat.

  2. Select Wallet: Choose the wallet from which you want to withdraw tokens or SOL.

  3. Enter Withdrawal Address: Provide the address where the tokens or SOL should be sent.

  4. Specify Amount: Enter the amount of tokens or SOL you want to withdraw.

  5. Confirm Withdrawal: Confirm the withdrawal order to complete the transaction.


  • Select Wallet: Allows users to choose from their linked wallets for the withdrawal.

  • Enter Withdrawal Address: Users must provide a valid address for the withdrawal destination.

  • Specify Amount: Users can specify the exact amount of tokens or SOL to withdraw.

  • Confirm Withdrawal: Users can confirm their withdrawal order to execute the transaction.



Click withdraw to withdraw your solana


  • Ensure you have sufficient balance in the selected wallet before initiating a withdrawal.

  • Double-check the withdrawal address to avoid sending tokens or SOL to the wrong address.

  • Review the transaction details carefully before confirming the withdrawal order to avoid errors.

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